The Golden City

Berlingske, 2022

In record time, a highly hyped Swedish start-up company with close connections to Tesla has managed to raise more than DKK 40 billion to build Europe's first battery gigafactory under the northern lights close to the Arctic Circle. In 2030, the factory will supply climate-friendly batteries for 1.2 million electric cars and will change northern Swedish society forever.

600 kilometers north of Stockholm and almost 250 kilometers south of the Arctic Circle, the battery factory is located. The hunt for the green gold begins at Northvolt on a gigantic construction site a few kilometers outside Skellefteå.

Here the darkness lasts well into the morning. It is 10 o'clock. The thermometer shows minus ten degrees. The snow falls and puts a damper on the boot pedal and engine noise - and there is an outbreak of corona infection on the square, we are told.

But apparently nothing can stop the construction of the Northvolt Ett battery factory.


Design und Dasein - Tagesspiegel


The Finnish Defence - Berlingske